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Academician Ivan Štraus (Academy of Arts and Sciences, BiH)
Academician Nikola Bašić (Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts)
Introduction: Amir Vuk Zec
A luxury bilingual monograph Hasan Ćemalović, Architect, dedicated to the prominent BiH architect and his quest for the ideals of architectural truth.
The book Architect Ćemalović, is an illustrative and a contemporary presentation of architectural endeavor of this BiH architect. It contains a systematized overview of architectural designs from 1972 to 2014. The first part of the book consists of introductory texts and essays, as well as the author’s evocations of his life and important activities as an architect. The second part of the book is a chronological overview of designs and completed projects in different thematic areas, all showing the author’s presence and success in modern architecture of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The book also contains a large number of photographs and drawings, that not only bear witness to the character and strength of Hasan Ćemalović’s body of work, but they also show the artistic and visual appeal of the high achievements of his architectural and creative talent.
Hasan Ćemalović, a distinguished architect from Bosnia and Herzegovina, was born in Mostar in 1947. He obtained a degree in architecture in 1971 at the Sarajevo Faculty of Architecture, where he also worked as an assistant at the Chair for Architectural Design from 1976 to 1986. From 1986 to 1992, he was the Director of the “Dom” Design and Research Bureau. During the war, he initiated and was in charge of the “WARCHITECTURE – Urbicide – Sarajevo” project, which was promoted in 1994 at the George Pompidou Centre in Paris. He was also the President of the BiH Association of Architects during the war and owing to his efforts, the association survived those troubled times. He is the author of many award-winning and implemented projects, including the Sarajevo Airport building, the “Ledara” residential building in Mostar, the “Mejdan” sports and recreational center in Tuzla, etc.
About the Author
Aida Husetić was born on 3 January 1976 in Bihać, where she completed her primary and secondary education. She enrolled the Sarajevo Faculty of Architecture in 1996/1997 and graduated in 2002 with the design of the Simultaneous Theatre under the mentorship of Nikola Maslej, assist. prof. She enrolled a postgraduate programme entitled Architectural Structures – the Line and Contemporary Paths of Architecture. She has been employed at the Bihać Faculty of Technical Sciences, Department of Civil Engineering, since 2004. She was engaged as an assistant on the subjects in the field of architectural design and modelling of wooden objects. She defended her master’s thesis entitled Universality in Architecture from Le Corbusier to the Present Day at the Sarajevo Faculty of Architecture in 2010, under the mentorship of professor VjekoslavaSanković-Simčić. She was elected senior teaching assistant at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Bihać, in 2010. She defended her doctoral thesis entitled Architecture in a Society of Spectacle in 2012, at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Sarajevo. Since 2005, she has been a coordinator of the teaching process at the Faculty of Technical Sciences’ Department of Civil Engineering. In December 2010, she was elected head of the Department of Civil Engineering at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, Bihać.Please wait while flipbook is loading. For more related info, FAQs and issues please refer to DearFlip WordPress Flipbook Plugin Help documentation.